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How It Works

Our DaaS (Digitalisation-as-a-service) Approaches
Loan - Innovative Digital Solutions

Spend Less

STOP paying hundreds of thousands in development before you see any result. By saving up to 80% in development cost, you now have more resources for other important matters.
ERP Digital Transformation

Build Faster

STOP wasting your time waiting months for a solution you’re not sure if will fit. We leverage no-code/low-code platforms that enables short delivery cycles.
Custom Digital Solutions


STOP following a linear, waterfall approach that doesn’t give much room for improvement. Our agile approach allows continuous integration & continuous delivery to gradually improve your solution.

Get a user-centric solution with our rapid development

  • Requirement and process analysis

    Conduct interviews and workshops to capture requirements, key features, and analyze processes. Choose the best suited tools for the project, and design the solution.

  • Roadmap Design

    Determine business goals and objectives, prioritize features crucial to the business. Plan an iteration-based roadmap to identify goals, acceptance criteria, and delivery schedule.

  • Development

    Develop, test, and deliver on cadance according to the roadmap. Conduct iteration planning and review sessions every 2 weeks to implement changes, if any.

Stay competitive in the ever changing market with our continuous delivery

  • Monitoring

    Regularly monitor the solution's performance to identify any issues. Define the problem, analyze the situation, and create a plan for how to improve the process or solution.

  • Action & Verification

    Carry out the actions identified, such as adding new functions or adjust workflows, and make the necessary changes. Compare the actual results to the expected results, and evaluate whether the plan was successful.

  • Adjustment

    Refine the plan, continue to implement the same changes, or take a different approach entirely if the result from the previous phase is not satisfactory..

Become agile and efficient with our integrated biz-tech transformation method

  • Scoping & Optimization

    Map as-is processes and identify bottlenecks, design a TOM (target operating model) to increase productivity. Develop a plan for the change, including objectives, timelines, and resources needed.

  • Development & Implementation

    Develop the new solution according to the TOM, conduct UAT and get feedback from key users for improvement. Communicate the plan to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners.

  • Change Management

    Provide training and support to help team members adapt to the change and learn new skills or processes. Track the progress and measure its success against predefined objectives. Make necessary adjustments to ensure the change is successful and delivers desired results.